Amazon Gift Cards - You Only Pay 25% of the Card Value

Frequently Asked Questions

You use our Amazon Gift Cards to purchase any products in the Amazon Marketplace you choose in our webshop. Amazon has its marketplaces in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Yes, we offering a 25% discount if you buy optional products for $500 or more. The discount is automatically deducted at checkout.
We accept the most common cryptocurrencies as payment.

This keeps both parties safe, secure and anonymous.
Our automatic system dispatch all orders within 30 min.
The short answer is yes, we have been in this industry since 2015, and have lots of happy customers who live a comfortable life thanks to our service.
However, if you have any doubts, contact us by using our contact page.
If the shopping cart does not appear when you click on "ADD TO CART" BUTTON, is because you have your "SECURITY LEVEL" setting
in your TOR BROWSER set to "SAFEST"

However, this is not necessary for the normal user.

Change the setting to "STANDARD" and our shopping system will work.

Restart your TOR Browser.

See here how to do this:
Contact us through our contact page, we are happy to answer any further questions.